In this weeks reading Benjamin argues that “To an even greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility. From a photographic negative, for example, one can make any number of prints; to ask for the authentic” print makes no sense.”. I neither agree or dis agree with his statement because both side are work different way. That is right that an authentic print will give us an original art works and an original quality of that art work but it could not capture a spacific moment or freez time like in digital. The painting may give us an authentic work which have a best original quality from the artis point of view that how the wanten to present to us whereas a digital camera could capture the spacial moment or the spacific moment which could freez time frame by frame and esier to present it to all the viewer. So they both have different advanteges and different aims and I think that both of the style are great.
The image above are the example of the image that capture from digital camera that could freez time when water is splashing through the camera frame.