Saturday, September 25, 2010
Who are you as a Designer?
Since i was young i always interesting in art, design, music and sport but i don't really know what i wanted to be. I have been study a lot of different things like math, computer, accounting and so on, although i could do very well in those subject but i don't really like it until i started to do art, music and sport and i really enjoy it because it's something that i could do all day without stop while am also enjoy it as well. In art, I always like to see and explore a great project and art works from different artist, I like how different people have different ideas and represent themselves though their art work and design. It's really amazing when I see some great art work and a piece of design from other artist and designer and i think there is no right or wrong in art or design it's just how artist and designer represent themselves in different way, in they own way and to do what they (I) love is all it's matter.
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Maori tattoo or To Moko aren't just a tattoo, each tatoo have itz meaning or back at the old day
it's use to identify their tribal and represent them self as Maori. Nowaday Maori tattoo aren't
the same as what the traditional tattoo use to be. I went to have a look at the tattoo shop in cuba
street and i found that they are doing Maori tatoo as well by using new technology to get a tatoo done from needle and wasn't like the traditional way use to do which ussing bone chisel. Some people are having it jst for show and don't even know what does it mean which i think that traditional Maori tatoo should not be for fashion because otherwise their tradition will be wipe away and replace it with fashion and unmeaning tattoo which it's use to be more than just tattoo.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Blog assignment 6
Bauhaus is the first design school that combined the elements of fine arts and crafts in their education. It is very similar to what we study in firstyeardesign in victoria university. Because the way that the Vorkurs or preliminary work was covered in the first semester and its job was to stimulate the students interest in materials, drawing techniques and form so that there innate creative ability might be best directed towards a specific workshop. Just like many of our firstyear papers that about drawing in 101, 111 with shape and form, 141 with experimenting with materials, so both Bauhaus and Victoria University are working the same way by encouraged student to develop their interests so their innate creative ability could lead them to particular area and idea of what they will be study in secoundyear.
Bauhaus is the first design school that combined the elements of fine arts and crafts in their education. It is very similar to what we study in firstyeardesign in victoria university. Because the way that the Vorkurs or preliminary work was covered in the first semester and its job was to stimulate the students interest in materials, drawing techniques and form so that there innate creative ability might be best directed towards a specific workshop. Just like many of our firstyear papers that about drawing in 101, 111 with shape and form, 141 with experimenting with materials, so both Bauhaus and Victoria University are working the same way by encouraged student to develop their interests so their innate creative ability could lead them to particular area and idea of what they will be study in secoundyear.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Blog assignment 5

In this weeks reading Benjamin argues that “To an even greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility. From a photographic negative, for example, one can make any number of prints; to ask for the authentic” print makes no sense.”. I neither agree or dis agree with his statement because both side are work different way. That is right that an authentic print will give us an original art works and an original quality of that art work but it could not capture a spacific moment or freez time like in digital. The painting may give us an authentic work which have a best original quality from the artis point of view that how the wanten to present to us whereas a digital camera could capture the spacial moment or the spacific moment which could freez time frame by frame and esier to present it to all the viewer. So they both have different advanteges and different aims and I think that both of the style are great.
The image above are the example of the image that capture from digital camera that could freez time when water is splashing through the camera frame.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Blog assignment 4

are concious for our environment and desire products whose stories are meaningful, both how
they were created and what was the starting point. This furniture is not merely a branded status
symbol - it is a slice of history, inspired by a sense of adventure and a love for fine material, detail and craftmanship." so all the craft design frome him is somrthing that is meaningful not just ramdomly design. And it also give us a sense of the craftmanship when we see these craftingdesign with the meaning and inspiration of those piece of design.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Blog assignment 3

Fish plate from http://images.overstock.com/f/102/3117/8h/www.overstock.com/images/products/L157235.jpg
Acording to Owen Jones 1856 says that “Construction should be decorated. Decoration should never be purposely constructed” . He argue that when people designing thing they should not
go over the original function because that will appear as a lie on its self.
I niether agree or disagree with his statement and i found that either it is construction decorated or decorated construction they both are produce a grate design because diferrent people have different opinion and different needs and idea. So there is no right or wrong idea about how people designing thing it's jst about how designers presenting their idea through their work.
the image that i found is the image of the fish plate by Maxican artis and this pice of design has suporting Owen Jones I dea that the fish plate is the fish plat oval plate and the image
of fish painting on it.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Blog assignment 2

To me "The sensuous impuls" is how the designer see things look at nature in rational way, the function, form and more traditional creation in the past. The first cell phone invented by Dr. Martin Cooper in 1973. the first cell phone was named Motorola Dyna-Tac size 9x5x1.75 inches, the fuction of this phone was so simple as it could just talk, listen and dial. But this phone has lead the the idea of the newer cell phone creation and deviloping throughout history till nowaday that we all have cell phone with not jst only talk' listen or dial. The first cell phone has lead to the idea of portable and smarter phone nowaday.
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